
Does anyone know if there is any financial aid when studying distance learning/home study?

by Guest10788  |  earlier

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I'v decided to study for CAT ( accounting technician) im a full time mum with 3 kids and receiving just tax credits my husband works but currently off sick from lymphoma. i have enquired for EMA and the adult study loan which you apply from the banks and pay back after the course finishes. are there any charities / organisations that i may be possible to get funding from? please advise! thankyou




  1. Not for distance learning.

    Some colleges do 'open learning' which is basically distance learning with the odd tutorial but because it is technically a college course you get the usual discounts such as free tuition if you are on income support or tax credits.

  2. If you are going to a Further Education College they very often have Financial Contingency Funds available to some students. It may well be worth you asking...good luck with your course too!

  3. Try the Association of Accounting Technicians, instead, as employers usually pick up the bills for this, and deduct it from taxes due, you will need to be employed to sit the exams anyway, as they are now doing industry entry only, you really need to check this out a bit more first, but if your kids are old enough, go back to for anyone lending money for assistance, I do not know of any, who England, at least...but they have overseas divisions, they can be found, at Clerkenwell rd, London , for their headquarters.....

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