
Does anyone know if there will be any anti-war protest in the So. Cali area sometime soon?

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I am veryyy pro war! I support it and I am glad we are over there fighting, because frankly, if we back out now this war will be taken to the USA instead and will be fought on our own soil.

To the point, when will there be any anti-war protests in so. Cali I would love to go and show my support (I hate all those liberal humanitarian tardheads who want world peace, ITS NEVER GOING TO HAPPEN war is a necessary part of life) of the war.




  1. War is a necessary part of life? Only if you're a psychopath. Necessary part of death, more like.

    Islam (according to you and your "mom" - I've reworded it in proper English for you) =  Support us or we'll kill you.

    George Bush's brand of Christianity = Obey us or we'll bomb you into oblivion.

    The difference isn't really that great, is it?

    It isn't Islam that's taking over America. Before long, English speakers will certainly be a minority (although many of us never believed you spoke English to start with) - more people will be speaking Spanish.

    Mr Bush really has you fooled. What danger did Iraq represent to America before his illegal invasion and occupation? None whatsoever. What danger does the region pose to the West, now that he and his cronies have wilfully destabilised it, and all to please Dubya Snr? A massive one.

    Well done, Georgey Boy. Do us all a favour and disappear into the nasty little footnote in history you deserve.

  2. uhhh first of all, even if we back wont be brough back to the US....and it wont be fought on our soil.... are a *****, why dont you just start a "pro war rally" instead of just asking about antiwar rallies....and you are probably too young to enlist, but when you come of age, GO ENLIST and see what war is really like, and see if you are still pro war

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