
Does anyone know if they are allowed to make phone calls?

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Does anyone know if they are allowed to make phone calls?




  1. Err I am not sure what the question is here, but if you are asking am I "allowed" to make phone calls then the answer is yes I am.

    You however may be at work, or not the bill payer so you will need to look this out for yourself, as some employers wont mind the odd call and others will sack you for it!.

    Hope this helps?

  2. I am allowed to make phonecalls.

    I am already 20 years old and a college student. My parents pay for my monthly bill.


  3. As the renter of two phone lines, I suspect that I am probably allowed to make calls over the lines. Why I believe this is because I get a bill for each line every month and the supplier does not complain if there are calls on the bill.

    Oh and another reason, I get a commission back on every call I make, so I actually get an income every time I speak to somebody. That definitely allows me to make calls.

  4. At work, you need to ask your manager for permission.But at home, if the phone belong to your parents, courtesy demands you ask especially if you are going to be chatting to your friends for hours

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