
Does anyone know if they are working on another book to the Darth Bane Series in Star Wars?

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Does anyone know if they are working on another book to the Darth Bane Series in Star Wars?




  1. There have been "rumblings" but nothing concrete yet.  I can't imagine them not continuing the series especially as popular as it has become.  

    It may also be that they are taking a breather on "Bane" and going ahead with "Plagieus" ... lol ... what I mean is that the second Darth Bane book was released when the Darth Plagieus book had been slated to be released.  The first book, "Path To Destruction" was so popular that delrey thought they would "strike when the iron was hot" and suspended the Darth Plagieus book so they could get "The Rule Of Two" out to rabid fans.  I haven't read the second one yet but if it's as good as the first one then I'll like it ... very well written ... and the "Thought Bomb" ... wasn't that the most stupid, weird, yet cool thing you ever heard of ... lol ...

    The last I heard, about 3 months ago, was that they were going full steam ahead with the Plagieus book because a lot of fans really, really, REALLY want to read this story ... lol ... myself included.

    Personally I can't wait for the Plagieus book to come out but at the same time terrified at what the story will be.  In many ways this book could make or break the story line of the prequels.  If they try to tie in the "power to create life" thing that Palpatine says Plagieus had to Anakin's birth ... if they don't do it perfect there are going to be a lot of ticked off fans.  Personally I kind of like the idea but whoever is writing it has to do it right or it's going to flop ... in my opinion anyways.

    May The Force Be With You ...

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