
Does anyone know if this is true?

by  |  earlier

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im 29 weeks pregnant and was sittin in a cafe today and being the nosy person I am heard 2 girls talking about their friend who had a baby and when he was born he came out addicted to diet coke cos when she was pregnant she had a craving for it and drank it all the time they said the baby came out shakin and they had to wean him off it and he still shakes every now and again from it???




  1. not true at all.  With my first baby I drank tons of caffinated pop (not good I know) and he came out just fine.  With my second baby I went with no more than 2 caffinated pops a day and again no problems.  

  2. Even if you downed a few pots of coffee all day long before the child was born, the effect of caffine is not one of serious "addiction" to cause a problem for your child.  In fact, a little bit of caffine might actually improve your pregnancy (but don't do this with out your doctor telling you to do so...and they won't tell you to do so).

    Now, have a coke and smile :-)

  3. Totally true! I drank coke my entire pregnancy and my baby was completely addicted. She had to be put on an IV with coca cola going straight into her.

    Are you kidding? Of course it's not true.  

  4. No I don't think thats true. Maybe they were using the word diet coke in replacement of cocaine.

  5. lol. I don't believe its true.  But I thought about it.  I worked during my pregnancy and on my lunch break it was so easy to just go grab some fast food. I ate so much of it! I thought my baby was gonna come out a darn french fry. lol. Then I said I am not going to give him mcdonalds because he is going to recognize the taste and be addicted. be like heeeyyyyy i know this taste gimme more!!!!!!!! lol i am joking of course but i thought about it!

  6. Very large amounts of caffeine can have an effect on the baby, but not really to the extent you describe.

    I drink 5-6 cups of coffee a day and I am 7

    months pregnant. Will this amount of caffeine

    affect my baby?

    Caffeine crosses the placenta. Therefore,

    large amounts of caffeine could affect babies in

    the same way as it does adults. Some reports

    have stated that children born to mothers who

    consumed more than 500mg/day were more

    likely to have faster heart rates, tremors,

    increased breathing rate, and spend more time

    awake in the days following birth.

  7. I don't see that being the case but you never know.

  8. I craved mountain dew and drank a ton of while pregnant my son was not addicted to it.. It is totally false.. I think they were meaning drugs. Either that or someone was talking out thier butt just to sound like she knew something odd

  9. i doubt that very much, are you sure they didnt mean coke as in coccaine becuase that indeed would be true and i have heard of that. the only way a baby could be addicted to the drink would be from the caffeine and think how much coke you need to drink to equal just ONE cup of coffee ...i would suggest they were talking rubbish, or they meant the drug not the drink!

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