
Does anyone know if you can fix broken videos..the tape inside has broken but it was a really important video!

by  |  earlier

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if someone could tell me where or how or if its even possible you would be a great help!!




  1. no problem. Just selotape it together. But be careful not to leave any adhesive exposed and not to make the tape any wider.

    Then plug a dvd recorder into the tv, play and record on a disc

  2. No i dont think you can fix it.

  3. call any photo-developing shop - something that specializes in cameras/film/negatives

    ask them if they can do it and how much it would be

    and HOW LONG it will take

    and the quality of the restoration


    good luck!!! :)

  4. If its just snapped you can sellotape it together.

    You would lose the couple of seconds at the join, but it should work fine for the rest of it.

  5. NO DO NOT USE  CELEPHANE (Scotch) TAPE. It will jam your machine. You CAN use "splicing tape. It would be better to have a pro do it because before and after the break there will be tape stretch and a pro will know how to do this properly. video tape uses "Helcal Scan" it does not record linearly so just taping it together is futile. you will loose a little bit of the program, but you can recover most of it. As the other people said, I would copy it over to DVD at the same time

  6. I would advise you against sellotape since it is thick and can jam the heads. I would try gluing the two ends together. Be aware that in order to pull out the tape you must open the lid and press the "button" at the bottom of a 5mm wide "hole" at the bottom of the cassette, by using a ballpen or similar thin object. If worse comes to worst and the repaired tape won't flow through the mechanics of your VCR (more sensitive than those of an audio deck), you can sacrifice another cassette, open it with your screwdriver, and use one cassette for each "half" of your precious tape.

  7. yep taping it together and losing a few seconds is a good idea, and then i suggest u take it to a photo shop cos they can transfer it to disc, then u can make back up copies.

  8. i used to tape it together and i works ok..((use thinnest tape you can find.))

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