
Does anyone know if you can have paid collections removed from your credit. ?

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If I dispute a paid collection on my credit report and state I want it removed because it is paid does anyone know if it will get removed?




  1. It will NOT necessarily be on your reports for 7 more years.  That time is set and can not, though illegally it is sometimes, be reset by paying the debt off.  So if it went delinquent 4 years ago you would have 3 and 1/2 more years of seeing it on the report.

    IF you paid it in a bit of a timely method and the full amount you could send the company a letter asking that they remove the item for you and see what happens,  More than likely nothing but a small few will have compassion and take it off.  Do it in writing, in your own words and you might even add a LEGITIMATE reason why you got behind.

    Good Luck

  2. There are only two ways that an accurate item can be deleted from your credit reports.

    1) The creditor must delete it themselves.

    2) The creditor fails to respond to a credit bureau dispute investigation.

    So here is your problem.  You paid the debt.  You no longer have any leverage over the creditor to help you out.  This is why it is always recommended that you get a "pay to delete" agreement with them.  They must agree IN WRITING to delete the item once the debt has been paid off.  

    But now that they have your money, it's extremely unlikely they will cooperate in helping you fix your credit.

    So you start with #2.  File a dispute. The credit bureau must contact the creditor and ask them to "verify" that the information is accurate.  If they fail to respond, the item must be erased from your records.

    The problem here is that in nearly every situation the collection agency simply says the info is accurate.  The never really investigate anything, and the item stays on your report.  The collection agency is not going to waste a lot of manpower, time and effort searching for your records, so they lie about it.

    Unless you know and understand how the "game" works you will have a very difficult time getting this debt erased.  

  3. i am acccuallly going thru the same thing at the minute i had a old collections account on my credit report that i recently paid off and i am wondering  how i can get it removed... i was told to wait atleast 90 days fromt he date i paid it and then go back and dispute it with the credit agencies and there is a chance that they will have pitty and remove it. i wish i had known bout the pay to deleate before i paid the d**n company off lol  

  4. Yes you can get a paid collection account removed from your credit report. Pull your 3 credit reports and if your paid collection account is on any of them, then dispute it. Collection agencies will check your file and see that is has been paid and more than likely toss your dispute from the credit reporting bureau in the garbage - which means they wont' respond within 30days at which time the bureau will remove it. It's worth a shot.  

  5. no, it will fall off your credit in time.

  6. No, you cannot have it removed once paid.

    Once you've paid a debt that is listed on your credit report, the debt will still show.  However, it will be updated to say it was fully paid, and the date on which it was settled.

    If it has not been updated within about 30 days from the date you settled the debt on, you can file a dispute and the credit bureau will be sure to have the debt updated.

    It's still on your credit for the next 7 years, paid or not.

  7. If you have paid the item and want it removed then tell the credit bureau the collection has been paid and you want to dispute it. There is a good possibility that the collection agency has removed you from their records once you have paid in full. If the credit bureau has not received verification from the collection agency in 30 days they are legally obliged to delete the item from your credit report.

    Otherwise a paid collection will stay on your report for about 7 years.

    Good Luck with your dispute.

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