
Does anyone know in what year the Greeks invaded Israel?

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Does anyone know in what year the Romans invaded Israel?

Does anyone know in what year the Ottoman Empire invaded israel?

Did any others invade Israel and when?




  1. in those days it was judea

    the greeks 333 bce with alexander the gre8.

    romans didnt really invade, they infiltrated through the hasmoneans/herod. they did destroy the country and the temple after the jews revolted.

    the ottomans didnt invade either, it was a transition in the larger muslim empire from the mameluks to the ottomans.

    you've left out assyrians (723 bce)

    babilonians (586 bce)

    persians (614)

    arabs (638)

    crusaders (1099)

    arabs (1187)

    british 1919

  2. 332 BCE. Our young scholar is a  little off.  He's a nice well mannered little feller though. I've included some links that show all the invasions.

  3. Iupines1... your answer out off wright.Israel is new state, its age is 60 years.

    My grand grand grandfather was lived in Palestine his name was Adam and his wife,s name Eve.

    For these reasons I and my family only own Palestine and whole earth, and the rest of people go to h**l.



  4. You need to have borders in order to be "invaded"

    The first Israel borders were established 60 years ago.

    The Jews had nothing to do with Middle East before Moses decided to lead his people out of Egypt.

    This is not a nice thing that you are doing here my dear lady.

    But then again, that's only my humble opinion and,

    My 2c

  5. Come on, there was nothing called Israel at the Romans Empire nor the Ottoman Empire times. Israel is only 60 years old

  6. if you are referring to the Zionist entity , then the UN made that up last century . It has been invaded by eastern Europeans mostly . I think the Greeks are happy where they are.

    Does that help ?

  7. Whoa, Ultra is good.  I had to look it up. This is what I came up with from my source but I skipped the Assyrians:

    970 BCE - 931 BCE 1st Solomon's Temple Built

    587 BCE Temple Destroyed/Babylonian Exile

    541 Babylonian Exile Terminated Rebuilding of Jerusalem  

    538 BCE - 333 BCE Persian invasion

    520 BCE - 515 BCE 2nd Jerusalem Temple Built

    333 BCE - 63 BCE Greek invasion

    230 BCE - 400 CE Romans invade

    70 CE 2nd Temple Destruction Jerusalem

    637 CE Muslim Forces capture Caesara

    338 CE Muslim Forces capture Jersusalem

    Turkish (Ottoman) Rule 1500-1920

    British Rule 1918-1947

    Modern State of Israel 1948

    Note to John&Yashi: We had borders already.  Open any bible with a map in it. :) To save you the trouble, it's from Jordan River to the Sea, north to Lebanon border and South to Egypt border. That is pretty much what you see today in modern state of Israel. Coincidence?  No.

    If you are a non-believer and think only Israel is modern day state by UN vote, then maybe you are in wrong section this is Israel section, need to go to Current Events or Political for better odds to not have someone bicker with you, otherwise stay and learn.   Warning:  Stay out of R&S they will challenge your views there too and maybe think you are possessed by a demon *wink*

  8. 1948?

  9. It is the other way around. You are twisting history like always.

    Both Israel and Judea were at war with each other and Israel lost the war.

    The Palestinians city-states existed before both kingdoms and existed up to the Roman invasion of the land. There are many stories in the Christian Bible which mentioned many Palestinians like Santa Marry the Magdalene where her last name carried the Palestinian city- state which she came from.

    The Jews were allowed to live in Palestine only after the Muslim rule and after the crusader wars there were not many Jews living in Palestine.

    All other wars that took place in Palestine there was no mentioning of Jews fighting the invaders after the Roman era only Muslems defended and were killed to keep the land free from other invaders.

    Were there Jews fighting Napoleon invasion.

    Your history is made up history to fit the Zionist propaganda..

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