
Does anyone know it I could bring in my potted butterflie bush and store in the basement at the end of season?

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Does anyone know it I could bring in my potted butterflie bush and store in the basement at the end of season?




  1. The butterfly bush is a pretty tough plant so I'm not sure why you'd want to put it in the basement.  

    We live in western WA state, USA...the winters here, though not usually radical, can get really cold and the bushes do just fine outside.

    It's kind of late now to transplant it outside, but as long as it's in at least a 5 gallon bucket (or bigger) it should be ok - just plant it outside next spring.

    They're a fast growing shrub that can grow 8 - 15' even if it's of the dwarf variety.  They are very hardy in that, they can freeze completely back to the ground and still stage a come back the next season.

    So,  there really isn't any reason that I know of that you would have to take the plant inside but if you feel you must, knock yourself out!

    Good luck!

  2. I have never heard of putting a butterfly bush in a planter..they get kind of big an I think you would want the roots to get established before the winter so it will not die....

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