
Does anyone know much about investing?

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I read about investing in real estate, that you can invest with no money down, what does that mean?

What is the safest and best way to start building an investment portfolio?

I only have an online savings account.

What options are better that the others and why, stocks, real estate, Internet business, business?




  1. Read a few books before you move any further. Legit books. Not books that say you'll make tons of money in 30-60 days!

  2. Hi,

    it's all depend on what you want to do.

    you may want to work out what is your financial goal, what sort of risk profile are you? (are you a risk taker, conservative, or can not tolerate risk)

    Once you know your risk profile and financial goal then you can narrow down what type of investment is suitable for you.

    All investment will have associated risk, it doesn't matter what investment it is.

    then you can learn by reading books, or attend some courses.

    for stock: depending on where you live, if you live in australia then you can look up asx web site, asx conducted courses about stock market at very reasonable price or you can do e-learning from their website.

    I'd say stay away from expensive course, you can do very well in stock market with simple trending system.

    for real estate: you can read books by dolf de roos or subscribe to donald trump university to get some idea

    for business: you can read e-myth book by michael e gerber is a good start about starting new business and setup the system for your business.

    once you have some idea then you can explore more and deep your feet in the water.

    bare in mind you need to treat your investment like a business regardless it is stock, real estate or business, and most importantly manage your risk.

    in regard to your questions how to invest with no money down or very little money there are a number of ways:

    for stock: you can use option to control stock, I would caution you that you need to know what you are doing since you need to use the right option strategy according to your risk profile.

    for real estate:

    * you can also use property option to secure the property while you added value and sell it, this one is depend on how you negotiate you can get put very little money for the option,

    * you can also do joint venture once you have the property that you want to invest it

    * you can also start by finding property for investor so you invest in your time to find property to other investors, this is also a good way to learn and get money from your service and you can use that money for your 1st property investment and you also got experience on how to find good investment property (win-win deal)

    for business:

    * you can come out with idea and patent it and sell the patent, the only cost is to lodge patent which is not very expesive to do

    * you can use your business idea and setup franchise, or joing venture or partnership or you can raise the money via venture capital.

    so what you need to ask your self is what is your financial goal, time frame you want to archive it and your risk profile, then you can narrow down the type of investment that you like or prefer and start from there.

    don't concern to much wheather stock or real estate or business is better. they all can generate a very good return and you can make a good living but it's all depend on you and if you do it right, the most important thing regardless what you do is to manage your risk if you want to survive in business.

    Hope it helps and good luck.


  3. Depends  on how much you have to invest!? Contact banks explain how much you have to invest and they can advise of any products that they can offer you and they can also give advice on investments portfolios etc!  

  4. Real estate is a great option in investing. There is a problem too. Your investment lacks liquidity. That is why people move towards stocks. Stock market is a good option now if you are looking at a long term prospective. you can make good revenue with it. Mutual funds offers a good option to make money. It is safe because unlike in shares here decisions are taken by learned people. Commodity market is a place where a lot of people and action takes place.

  5. Its wise to do a bit of research before taking a decision about investment plans..cause options are need to do the right thing get in touch with an expert .

  6. Have to agree with the others, educate yourself on your options...  Or are you really comfortable with letting others make the most important decisions in your life.  Every one who gives advice is either telling what is within their own comfort level which may not be right for you or are selling something.

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