
Does anyone know of a Chess website that is free, Correspondence, Real-Time, no bad language?

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My Niece wants to learn to play and lives to far away. I'm looking for a kid friendly Chess site where we can play a game and I could teach as well. Both Correspondence and Real time Chess that is Free to join. I'm also looking for no bad language that some forums have, not even using #$ to fill in the letters. Any suggestions?





    or yahoo chess setup a private game that only you know the password -- you can chat on this as well

  2. As for an online venue to play were bad language is hindered, I think that may be a tall order. However, in Yahoo Chess, you can invite a specific user-id and make the board private. This way only you and the person you invited have access to the board. I have found some errors lately in Yahoo Chess (not launching properly and disconnecting), but I'm fairly confident that POGO has similar features.

    I hope this helps. Good luck.


    allows you to leave moves on the board with comments (free)

    the nice thing is it creates an icon on your tool bar and it flashes if the other person has made a move (as long as you are online.)  I've really enjoyed it.

  4. the best site on the internet to play chess by correspondence that is family oriented is ...!! excellent moderation, friendly atmosphere, good sportsmanship all around.

    As for a real time site ... I must tip my hat and say "Good Luck". I have not found any free realtime sites that adequately moderate players. I'm a chess teacher so I've been around to most sites. If you find one let EVERYBODY know!

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