
Does anyone know of a FREE drug program?

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i just found out my BF has been using and it heartbreaking especially because we cant afford rehab...does anyone know what we can do??




  1. doesn't matter if its free unless he really wants help but if he does the salvation army has a free drug 6 month in house treatment home

  2. I know one thing will help the most is YOU, caring, You just hang in there and show him that you might not be as strong as him, but you are just as tough, and remember to tell each other this, "Cream always rises to the top" How the heck can he beat this world if he is screwed up on dope anyways, let him look at it this way! DOPE is what the Satan the Devil uses for his entertainment, He tells his buddy's, Watch! I can ruin this kids life and have him laughing about it like a fool, Watch what happens to him by time he finds out to much of a good thing is bad too! Do the story line to him over and over as if you was mocking him! He will get it. ask some of the AA people in your area, But Most of all, You be there for him even if it means losing him, God will see your efforts!  

  3. Yup this website

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