
Does anyone know of a PS3 Emulator?

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Does anyone know of a PS3 Emulator?




  1. Doesn't exist. Besides, even if it existed - it'll need a pricey PC with dual GFX card, Blu-ray, fastest RAM and etc. It'll cost you like 4 PS3s.

  2. i search that on google and i came across a post that says the ps3 is much higher resoultion than a pc. so no there is none and there won't be one for a long time

  3. There are none. Yet.

  4. If you can find a PC with Core 2 Octo or Deco n Blu-Ray drive then you'd be halfway there.

    PS2 emulators are still relaly buggy n slow even with new Core2 Duo/Quad CPU's.

    2010 might se PC's capable of emulating it, even then a top of the range £1500 model at least, so you might as well jsut buy a PS3 at that price.

  5. There arent any, and there probably won't be any for a long time

  6. they not out yet

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