
Does anyone know of a REAL work from home business with low start up fee?

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Does anyone know of a REAL work from home business with low start up fee?




  1. scam

  2. Yes- me and 179 million other users globally use eBay and eBay stores. email me for more info if your interested in getting help with starting- by-the-way it is free



  3. Try it here, for this u need not pay any thing, its free

  4. Hi there!  I work with Ameriplan, and while our start-up fees usually are $95, for the month of July we are having a promotion where you can get your business started for only $20!  Check out my site at and request an interview if you'd like some more information!


    This is the best business you can ever do from home.  I searched forever before I found this.  Right now you can get everything you need to start for $20!  Free training over the phone and online!  I can even get you into the training for 1 week free, then you can decide if you want to do it.

  6. Hello,  

    Here is a link to an article entitled "MLM Success and Network Marketing - What is MLM / Network Marketing REALLY?"

    Lots of home businesses are Direct Marketing (MLM) and are NOT scams.  But of course you do have those that are.  You also have the companies that are legit, but concentrate only on making money for themselves and let their distributors eventually hang out to dry.  So, you have all kinds.  

    You need to search and search wisely.  Read about Direct Marketing (MLM) and learn what to look for so you will not fall prey to the schemers.

    I am a fortunate one that has found one of the good ones out there.  The company is run with integrity and leadership.  

    What you are looking for is what so many people are looking for...and the good companies are out there.  But, what some people are really looking for is a quick way to make money. If that is what a person is looking for, then a legit MLM is not the right home business for them.  

    If you are new to Direct Marketing/MLM the money will happen, but it will not happen overnight.  Of course it will happen faster for the seasoned Network Marketer.  But, any business just starting out has to give it time to grow as well as giving yourself time to grow.

    The criteria you mentioned describes the company I am with to a tee.  But, remember, it will not happen will happen...but, only if YOU are DEDICATED  to your business, and DETERMINATED  to succeed.  YOU can do anything in your life with those two traits.

    I would be glad to speak with you to find out what you want in a home business and to help you discover if this is the right one for you.

    I hope I have given you quality information and have inspired you to go after what you truly want.

    Take care.

    Laurie (Rock)

  7. I work with a great company. Check out our website below. And let me know if we can talk.

    powered by Stream Energy

    Turning Energy into Income

    save money on your natural gas & no cost to switch

  8. I have 2 suggestion for you to look at, but all you need to do is check out the websites, and see if they are a fit for you. They are all so a low start up fee.

    Fill in the forms for a FREE tour.

  9. Selling on ebay can be profitable, provided you are willing to learn all about it, for other ideas you can read some suggestions here

  10. I found this site helpful for free home business ideas that are solid and legitimate.

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