
Does anyone know of a charity that will pick up furniture in St. Louis, MO?

by  |  earlier

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I am moving in a month and want to donate most of my furniture, but I cannot lift it to take it anywhere. I would like to find a charity to donate it to, but they need to be able to send over a couple of guys in a truck to take it away.




  1. American kidney foundation will pick up if you call them. 314 968-9768  

  2. I would call the local:


    Salvation Army

    Habitat for Humanity.

    If none of those work, just do a search for Charities in your area.

    Good luck.

  3. Salvation Army and Goodwill will NOT pick up your furniture.  I learned that a couple years ago.  Stupid, I know, especially considering you're giving away something for a good cause.

    The only thing I can suggest is to post an ad in the "free" section of Craigslist. It might not go to a charity, but at least it won't be wasted.  Hopefully that helps.

  4. Phone your local Salvation Army or Good Will.

    Salvation Army link:

    Good Will link:

    You can enter your zip code to find a local branch.  Ask if they do home pick ups of furniture.  They do in my area.

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