
Does anyone know of a cheap (and effective) ultrasonic pest repellent that deters spiders specifically?

by Guest63251  |  earlier

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I know of many models that are supposed to repel mice and rats, but I have heard some of these do not target spiders and insects, and I am looking for a model that will take care of this. Preferably under $30. Please let me know if you have had any success with a particular model!

(Also I have a Labrador Retriever. Has anyone had a model that has irritated their dogs?)




  1. i have the black and decker insect repellent but it doesn't work! i got 6 of them all over my house and i still see jumping spiders and other yucky critters around so obviously it's not working.  hopefully someone else can post the brand that doesn't work so that can help you eliminate some models. good luck.

  2. I know there are plug-ins for the house for spiders but I'm not sure where you can buy them.  Supposed to be perfectly safe for animals.  It's possible that I seen them in a magazine called Carol Wright Gifts. or ask at 1-800-345-5866

  3. or  I got mine at Dr Leonards, cost $20.00.

  4. According to the USA Federal Trade Commission these don't work.  According to me, they don't work.  The only thing that worked was two way tape set up in a high spider traffic areas. You don't want to use any chemicals around your dog. We have Black Widows and the two way tape was great, albeit gross to look at and yucky to clean up we even caught a garter snake once!

  5. I really don't have an answer for you, only a warning. I have heard of birds (i.e. pet parrots) being driven mad by these things. I don't know how they affect dogs. I used them in the past for pack rats (they weren't very effective) but would never use one now that I have a Golden Retriever.

    I have never come across any that were targeted for spiders (do they have ears?).

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