
Does anyone know of a food stamp office that asks the applicant for the reason for needing food stamps?

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  1. I know they do here in Texas and most likely everywhere else. It is a rather stupid question among a few others. The person that gave the first answer summed it up pretty good. Unfortunately the whole system has been abused that those that have worked most of their lives all of a sudden find they need a little assistance just for a month or two are s**t out of luck. A lot of the people that are on welfare really know how to wrk the system.

  2. Yes all of them. They ask idiot question because the believe idiots come through that system poor helpless soul begging for something free. But the idiots working there don't realize that without these people coming asking for help, they wouldn't have a job.

  3. No. All you have to do is land there and welcome to the "Wonderful World of Welfare." Can we give you food stamps? Free housing? Free healthcare? Free Education? There is no cost because everything is generously paid for by the U.S. taxpayers and they don't quality for a d**n thing.

  4. They will ask what changed to bring you into this situation. If you go in there and say you haven't worked in a year and have not been on food stamps for that year they will asked questions to see how you have been supporting yourself. Your answers here will cue them in on whether or not there suspect fraud.

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