
Does anyone know of a forever MIRACLE CURE for biting finger nails?

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I have been biting my fingernails for 22 years. Currently, I am 29 years old. I WANT PRETTY FINGERNAILS but haven't been able to stop for more than 3 days. I've used chili powder/paste, duct tape, Vinegar, bandaids, fingernail polish, acrylic nails.... I just eat it up....Someone? Does anyone have a forever miracle cure so I can finally move onto the next life obstacle?????????????




  1. oh when you know  lemme know too pls.... i've had the same problem for as long as i can remember...  i've tried EVERYTHING too.. i guess you can try hypnosis, that might work for ya, or buy those gobstoppers (or long lasting candy, even gum maybe) and pop one in your mouth every time you get the urge to bite..  i noticed that fake nails will help for a few days...after that i have to make an honest effort and really pay attention not to bite,,i also got all my friends on board and they smack me if they see me chewing.... though still i bite uncontrollably...

    good luck

  2. Try rubbing your finger nail tips in garlic. I think I wouldnt bite

  3. The only thing that ever worked for me were acrylics, it is just an ongoing expense.

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