
Does anyone know of a giving up smoking forum that i could use as a support group?

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Does anyone know of a giving up smoking forum that i could use as a support group?




  1. if you go to your local pharmacy they have all the info on the subject

    good luck i gave up 2 and a half yrs ago

  2. Here's another LIST of sites you could check out...

    It's hard, but you can do it.... just be determined and follow through!


  3. You can try Yahoo groups for it , too. Go to :

    Write quit smoking in the search area and hit search. Here you go with a list of groups:

    If you want to join one of the groups here is how you can do it:

  4. You shouldn't NEED a forum - or anything else. I used to smoke for Britain - over 100 a day and sometimes with three on at the same time (without realising it I might add!) and then one day I said to myself and my friends and neighbours "When I've finished this batch" (I used to buy them 600 at a time!) "I'm not buying any more"

    and when I finished them, I DIDN'T buy any more.  That was five years ago and I've never smoked since - AND it only took me two YES TWO days to forget about smoking - so if THIS prat can do it, ANYONE can!

    Mind you - the coughing didn't stop for over a year, so be prepared ! ! !

  5. Click to quit...

    Go to week 1/2.

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