
Does anyone know of a good boxing workout?

by Guest31714  |  earlier

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Hey I have just started boxing and i'm loving it. I go to the boxing gym twice a week. I know that going twice a week isn't really going to make me into a amature boxer just yet. But I was just wondering what i can do at home in the time that i'm not at the gym.

For example at home should i be starting off my day with a 5k run. Then maybe after school go through a routine of timed work on weights, bag work, pad work, crunches, curls, bench press, lunges and so on. I would love to do as much as I can outside the gym so any advice would be fantastic.

I hope it's not to much to ask but if you could maybe lay out some sort of plan of a hard boxing workout for me that would just make it that much better. I have a bench press, dumbells, skpping rope, curl bar, boxing bag, helmet and gloves. Thats my gear. Thanks so much.




  1. Okie dokey, I have a suggestion. It's not a big workout plan, but it'll probably help.

    First off, I'd take a good run or jog. Not too far of a distance.

    Then follow it off with some stretching, some jump rope, and batta bing, start boxing!

    Hope this helps any.  

  2. Skipping rope

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