
Does anyone know of a good remedy,for lower intestine?

by Guest65780  |  earlier

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a few years ago i had a bad case of colitis,and it seems to be acking up again.Is there something i can take to sooth and heal my intestanal tract.Thanks




  1. Accidophilus with Bifidus. The accidphilus is for the upper intestine and the Bifidus is for the lower. Some yogurts offer this, but if you are really in pain and want to make a big difference, go to your health food store and get the combo. It comes in refrigerated capsules, and for twenty dollars you will  have enough to make a huge change in your digestion. By balancing the intestinal flora and fauna, your digestion will heal.

  2. Aloe vera juice is good for soothing the inflammation of colitis, and probiotics are beneficial for helping maintain the intestinal flora. There are also dietary considerations to keep in  mind, no alcohol, caffeine, nicotine, plenty of water, no sugar.  Here is a link to one of my favorite sites with lots of good information and other additional herbs that may be helpful for your condition.

  3. My son was diagnosis with Crohn's disease over 2 years ago. the doctor wanted to put him on Humira (after experimenting with several other drugs) which is anexpensive drug with life threating serious side affects. We did some research and wanted to take a new approach to combat His problem. This is what we found out. The liver is producing too much bile that is toxic to the digestive tract. The types of foods you need to eat are those that DO NOT create excessive acid or bile that help in digestion (simply put). The bile is normal unless it is in large quanity or toxic, the acid attacks the food as well as intestinal linings of your stomach

    Your body is high in toxins that you need to remove and stop feeding into the problem by the foods you consume and an overactive liver.

    1.) "Foods to eat" : water purified, fish, eggs, potatoes,rice, white bread,meat ground up fine or chewed well, skinless chicken cut fine, tortillas, broth, noodles plain with a little butter, plain yogurt with no extra ingredients, rice milk(rice dreams-Walmart) cherrios rice crispies or chex, and 'most important' 5x/day at each meal and as a snack, legume's black beans, kidney, pinto, buttered,refried, with no lard or spices except salt to start. Goats milk(found in a can)small amouts of plain oatmeal, "Sunshine" , Iron supplements(in moderation) if you are anemic.

    2.) "Foods to avoid!": dairy!,milk (hard to digest a cow use 4 stomachs!) chips!,processed foods of any kind, soda ,msg, fast food of any kind, corn, corn syrup,corn sweeteners,wheat products,sweeteners of any kind, coffee, teas, cottage cheese,sauces, read the back labels (you are going to be surprised) for added ingredients any thing thats added, adds to your body's toxic level. NO artificial sweeteners. foods that produce too much acid to break down the foods you eat. No alcohol of any kind NO Tabacco.  Foods that have fat (hard to digest creats too much bile and acid).

    3.) 'Foods to eat': in moderation after you stop bleeding and start gaining weight or are having no discomfort : fruits,salads,steak,venison, peanut butter or almond butter,oatmeal, A multi-vitamin with minerals with 100% RDA (not large dose's of any multi. and 2x daily ,use shaklee as the bench mark for comparison ) of all of the B's, hard cheese, ,well cooked vegetables," Psyillium powder".

    The beans are a water soluble fiber that absorb bile and remove the toxins in your body,then the liver will produce more bile but less toxic(simplified for lack of space).

    This is not an all inclusive list and your Doctor will disagree with the elimination of drugs, all removal of drugs should be done slowly if you decide to stop taking them, but they will add to your body's toxic level as you continue take them. which will make your Crohn's worse and make you susceptible to other more serious disease's. I am not a specialist in any field or giving medical advice. I also hired at a fraction of the cost to teach my son to diet properly but you can go to her web site and get free information, but I recommend you pay her for a short time to get you healthy and on a routine faster. Stress will make it worst so exercise and relax. Most importantly Faith, Hope, and Prayer, you will get better. God is faithful what ever the results. E-mail me if you have any questions and I can help. I don't know if you have crohn's but changing your diet could help you and most of us in America because of the poor nutrition we unknowingly subject ourselves too.  You will need routine and some self discipline.

    My son Has been gaining weight ,takes no medication and His general health and demeanor has changed in 2months!

  4. yogurt with the good bacterial cultures in it...

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