
Does anyone know of a good site where I can learn the basics of pool?

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I am looking for a website where I can learn the basics of pool like setting up the balls, how to rack, shots, things like that. Does anyone know where I could find such a site so I can start learning it should be for the absoulte beginner?




  1. BCA Website Any and all levels of info plus books on every aspect of the game

  2. I looked over that website that you Googled.  I must say that it's cute and there's some basically decent information.  However, it's riddled with half-truths, misinformation, and at times, in my opinion, presents the game of pool in a questionable manner. It's probably not enough to mess you up forever, but worthy enough to deserve mention.  A few points need to be clarified.  First of all, listen to Johnny and go to the BCA website.  Furthermore, go to any bookstore and pick up a copy of the BCA rulebook.  It's such a vital book to a pool player.  Let's just do this in order and I'll trust that you'll pick up a copy of the BCA rulebook when you get a chance.  First of all, the "tip" of the cue is not the white piece at the end.  The white part is called the "ferrule" and is usually either plastic or ivory.  The "tip" is the rounded piece of leather at the end of the ferrule that actually contacts the cue ball.  Yeah, I know it sounds like I'm splitting hairs, but when people represent themselves as sources of knowledge, I'd prefer they get it right.  Second, regardless of the dimensions that you were given, the playing surface of a pool table is always twice as long as it is wide.  Third, I'm not even going to get into all the errors regarding the stroke and aiming in particular.  Fourth, there's a lot of mistakes in the section regarding 8-ball.  I really wouldn't know where to begin.  In a nutshell, this website will put you at the same level as just about every other banger at the bar and if that's all you want, then fine.  But why not try to be better than that?  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  3. Simply,

  4. Not really but best of luck.  It's an awesome game once you get good at it.


  6. Google!  Wikipedia!  ARGH!!!!!

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