
Does anyone know of a home remedy to get rid of grass/weeds between the sidewalk?

by  |  earlier

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i don't want to use the commercial stuff, i have dogs and kids, i have tried bleach, vinegar, salt,etc.




  1. 1 liter white vinegar, 1/4 c table salt,

    2 tbsp dish soap. Mix well and spray on plants on a sunny day. Leaves and flowers will readily absorb the fluid. Portulacas have fleshy leaves and need more than one spraying.  

  2. Here are two homemade recipes to try.

    1 tablespoon of gin

    1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar

    1 teaspoon of liquid dish soap

    1 quart of hot water

    Alternate version:

    1 gallon of distilled vinegar

    1 cup of salt

    1 tablespoon of liquid dish soap

    Spray these directly on weeds in the garden or pour directly into cracks of walks and driveways.

  3. Here's my home remody, round up.  Its completely safe if used as directed

  4. scissors!!! ahah  

  5. I second all the Vinegar answers.  This is the standard "natural weed killer."  You can probably find Horticulture Grade Vinegar at your local garden center.  It's really really strong, but I've always just bought a gallon of cheap white vinegar spray that straight on the weeds.

    You should join us over at the Prevention Gardening discussion board.  They've got lots of great information and everybody has been really nice to me so far.

    Good luck!

  6. You could try pulling them out by hand or scrappig them out with an old s***w driver or something. Really though the best way is to use round up.  

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