
Does anyone know of a place where the public can be legally shot with a taser in a controlled environment?

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The other half to my insanity is going into the coast guard and wants to find out what it feels like to be shot with a taser before he gets there. Why he wants to do it now gets me but it's his choice. Does anyone know of a place in southern California where it can be done. My father works in law enforcement so I've already tried asking him and he says that they can't do it. Any suggestions other than that will be greatly appreciated. I just don't want him to go out and buy one to do it himself. I know him too well and it's not a good idea.




  1. I don't know about a controlled environment, but getting shot with a taser by the cops seems pretty easy to accomplish these days. Just talking back or even looking at them wrong might be enough.

  2. Contact your local police academy, they often use volunteers for demonstrating the TASER to officers during training.

    - David

  3. police over here (australia) use tazers on each other for training purposes.  they are not allowed to carry one when on duty unless they have been tazered themselves.  

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