
Does anyone know of a really good diet?

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I'm not very big, like at all, so all I'm looking to do is lose no more than maybe 5 to 10 pounds. I drink a lot more than I eat and if I want to I can go without eating for up to 2 days just drinking and chewing gum, but I know that that isn't good and so I'm not sure I want to keep doing that you know? Can anyone help me out? Thanks ALOT if you do.




  1. Sure, its called the "Don't Diet Diet"

    You simply alter your lifestyle that is the real cause for you weight so that healthy eating & exercise become automatic.

    Diets don't work in the long run...  

  2. The average person loses 7-15 pounds on the isagenix cleanse. I actually lost 20 on the 9-day program. Isagenix is all natural ingredients that your body needs. A friend of mine also just started doing it and she's lost 15 inches around her body so far in only 3 days, she's loving it. If you want you can email me and i'll give you more info:

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