
Does anyone know of a vegan conditioner that works?

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I've tried the Whole Foods brands and a few others, but I have dry, snarly hair and I need something cruelty free that really conditions- any suggestions? And I'm poor too- go figure:)




  1. Kiss My Face has vegan conditioners. The one for dry hair moisturizes really well.

  2. I'm a big fan of Lush's Veganese.  They also have this Jasmine and Henna conditioner, but I didn't care for the scent.  You'll also want to try a moisturizing shampoo; their Rehab might work for you.  And no, I don't work for them.

    I've heard that mashing an avocado for a hair mask also works.  Sarah Kramer's "How it All Vegan!" has a health and beauty section, and something in there might work for you.

    As for Herbal Essences, they're owned by Clairol, which is owned by Procter & Gamble, a corporation notorious for animal testing.  It's not vegan at all.

  3. One of the best things you can do is not wash your hair often - your own oils are the best conditioners *money can buy.* Get to where you can wash your hair once a week - maybe twice. Get the tangles out picking or brushing (gently) with a wide - tooth brush with your shampoo in your hair, and balance your pH back by lemon juice or some thing else hair-friendly and acidic. Find a good conditioner and save money by not using it often.

    Good luck!

  4. My mom uses Nutribiotic shampoo and conditioner. She swears by it, and she said it has a little vegan stamp on it too. It isn't too expensive either, altho everything at whole foods is marked up beyond belief. You can find lots of suppliers online that sell this stuff from $5-$10 a bottle. My mom has frizzy hair by nature and this stuff really smooths it out. plus she has long hair which has a tendency to tangle without using conditioner. She was pretty happy when she found this stuff... She buys it in bulk with a few other nutribiotic products on ebay cuz she can get free shipping from one particular vendor... Good luck to you!  

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