
Does anyone know of a way i can find info on ancesters that are indian and one was a chief?

by Guest66802  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of a way i can find info on ancesters that are indian and one was a chief?




  1. was he the chief of scavengers union ?

  2. Your best bet is to write to the tribe that they were members of - many keep historical records of such things.

  3. Well, it depends on what Native tribe those ancestors are from. There is a ton of information all over the web about Native American history all throughout North America. Find out the name of the tribe that your ancestors were a part of and google it (some examples are Blackfoot, Ojibwa, Chippewayan, Mohawk, Migma`q). It all depends on location as well, since Native Americans were territorial. If you are from certain parts of Canada or the US, you can easily find info on which `bands` (as they are now known as, instead of `tribes`) are native to your locale.

    Also, it is no longer politically correct to use the term `indian` in reference to Native Americans. Native American, Aboriginal are the preferred terms. Even Aboriginal is a bit controversial for some people.

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