
Does anyone know of a website that gives career advice

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Does anyone know a website that gives career advice-free! Maybe an online questionnaire to see what jobs you could be suitable for etc.




  1. Try It has many job profiles you can look at to see what different jobs involve.

    You can also do a test which highlights which areas of work suit your skills and personailty the most.

    They even have careers advisors that you can ring and they guide you towards discovering and heading towards a career that you want.

    I have found it very helpful.

    Good luck

  2. it depends on your age but in high school there is a career test that isn't free but cheap.

  3. This site is pretty good, it's free to register

    It gives you advice and you can do a questionnaire regarding careers, and it tells you whats best suited for you.

    I also like this site

    it gives really detailed informtion about everything you need to know about any career you interested in, including requirments, salaries, types of work, etc.


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