
Does anyone know of an adoption agency in Texas that allows you to adop a child around 7 years old?

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we want to adopt a child, probibly a 7 year old little girl, but we would not say no to a little boy.




  1. Department of Health and Human Services.

  2. Go to the search and look it up. You might have to get one out of your state sometimes. Wish you luck.

  3. Contact DHS.  In your area, it could be called CPS, DCFS, DYFS, CSD, or any number of other 3 or 4 letter shorties.  They go through reincarnations about every 2 years.  Lovely way to spend taxpayer money.  Back to the subject at hand!  Adoption through foster care is free in most states, and low cost in others.  There are plenty of seven year olds needing new families.  Good luck!

  4. Likewise, you could also go through a foster program in your area.  Some of the foster placements are NOT permanent, but some are potential adoptions... and those are kids that could use a stable environment, especially if they've been bouncing around the foster system for a long time.

  5. We went through the Arrow Project Agency. I think there is one in Houston, I know there is one in Ft. Worth, Arlington and Richardson. Is the 7 yr old one you know?

  6. Contact the Gladney Center for Adoptions in Fort Worth.

    One of the most reputable adoption agencies in the USA.

    You can go domestic or international - we went international and this agency was one of the most pleasant parts of the entire experience.

  7. adoption agencies will allow you to adpopt a child at any age as long as you pass their tests and checks  Looking for that age you chould not have any problems because are orpanages full of kids that age everyone wants babies.

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