
Does anyone know of an inexpensive homeschooling option? I've looked all over but have only found a few.Thanks

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Does anyone know of an inexpensive homeschooling option? I've looked all over but have only found a few.Thanks




  1. Lots of library books.  Also, I was in a home school co-op, and every year the moms would get together and swap books for the next year.  We barely had to buy any books for me in high school.

  2. I agree, online and library are the best.  There are also sights like homeschooling on a shoestring and books like How To Homeschool Your Child For Free.

    Your question is rather vague.  Are you looking for a certain subject?  For math, my son just started Teaching Textbooks and it was like $150 for 7th grade the book and the answers and the cdroms.

    What grade?  I have homeschooled my oldest from k to now in 7th.  It was this year that I really put any money toward it.  I made posters, printed out worksheets, got all my books from the library.

  3. Online schools are usually free.

    I live in Florida and I use FLVS. (Florida Virtual School)

    I don't know if all states have virtual school, but it's worth it, trying to search.

    in FLVS, you don't have a required amount of hours per day, you just have to do at least 2 to 3 assignments a week.

    Then again, I don't know about any other states...

    And these classes use pretty much the same curriculum as regular elementary/middle/highschools, so if you decide to regular school, you can easily pick up.

    Good luck.

  4. For high school Penn Foster is GREAT! And its only about $1,300 for all 4 years.

  5. Check out Old Fashioned Education. It's actually free! If you wanted to print stuff off, you can, so that's a minor cost, but aside from that, FREE. Not kidding. My daughter is going to be using part of it this year, and most of it the next. :)

    Ambleside Online is another great curriculum source, but SOME of their stuff you would have to look for "off-line," but the books they recommend are reasonable in price when you can find them.

    Also, there is a Yahoo group called 3RHomeschooling that is about Old Fashioned Education (and other classical education sources), and they LOVE sharing their free finds from the internet!

    Check out my blog if you want. I have a listing of free stuff I have found as well. :) It's not at all a debate blog, but you are welcome to join in the discussions peacefully, if you would like! :)


  6. Yep...get yourself a library card and an unlimited/free internet connection and build your own resources, curriculum etc.

    (By doing exactly that, my siblings and I are home-educated for approximately $50 per kid, per year.)

  7. absolutely i love the K-12 program were in Georgia and we use the Georgia virtual academy they have one for every state they provide 99% of all the materials that the kids need including their computers i stared homeschooling at the end of last year and i run across this program you really cant beat it anywhere else

  8. The library and online websites, free printables, etc.

  9. I use K12 for my daughter

  10. Check with your school district. Our district here gives out curriculum, books and other supplies for home school kids for nothing.

  11. Many online charter schools are popping up all over. Many of them are now using k12 products. k12 schoolsare good for many reasons. Each student is given a placement test and then given individualized curriculum based on his or her individual needs. With the help of online charter schools today, homeschooling can be much easier than it used to be. They provide you with everything you need, a computer, a printer, books, supplies, and teachers that you can both email and call for help and assistance. This is free and there are no charges. Online schools are definitely becoming a way of the future for the children in generations to come.

    Going to an online school is no different than going to a traditional public school or a private school. They graduate with a real diploma the same as any school. My son graduated from an online charter school and now attends a private university (University Of Dayton) with scholarships. They will also help you with making sure that all state required tests are done yearly and proficiencies are completed for graduation.

    There are many listed at the site below. Some are free, some are affordable and some are expensive

  12. I just found K12 and I think I am going to do it for high school.

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