
Does anyone know of any MMA training in Seoul Korea??

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Does anyone know of any MMA training in Seoul Korea??




  1. I personally don't know, but I would imagine that there's something there. h**l isn't that were Rings of Fire is? There's got to be something. Maybe not an MMA gym but I'm sure you can find a grappling school. Combine that with some standup and you're golden.

  2. Team Tackle.  Go to Seollung station on the #2 (green) line, go out exit 2, keep going straight 2 blocks, turn left at the stationary store,  go two more blocks.

    It's past the Sand Presso place. There will be a Korean restaurant on the right side, the gym is downstairs.  Look for a square red sign, unfortunately it's not that large or legible.

    The head instructor, Choi Mu-bae, has fought in Pride FC, and his Engish is fairly good.

    If you have problems with my directions, or need a closer place to train, just let me know and I'll see what I can do.

  3. No MMA there, but lots of Taekwondo. Good luck~

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