
Does anyone know of any Native American Scholarships based on blood quantum?

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I know this sounds easy... I am 1/4 Native American, which fulfills the blood quantum for pretty much any scholarship. However, I am two separate tribes, 1/16 of one and 3/16 of the other, and enrollement requires 1/8 and 1/4 blood, respectively.

I can find a lot of college scholarships, but they all require "1/4 Native American" and "Enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe"

If anyone knows of any scholarships where you have to have at least 1/4 blood, but not an enrolled member, please let me know!





  1. If you are not an enrolled member, you are pretty much hosed.

  2. Have you considered Haskell Indian Nations  University in Kansas.  They provide college (room, board, food, books, everything almost entirely free).  Theirs is 1/4 min...

        1. Students applying to attend Haskell must either be an enrolled or official member of a Federally recognized tribe eligible for education benefits from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) or at least one-forth total degree Indian blood descendant of an enrolled member of a tribe eligible for BIA education benefits. Official documentation regarding tribal recognition signed by the appropriate BIA agency or tribe must accompany application.

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