
Does anyone know of any asperger syndrome chat rooms?

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Does anyone know of any asperger syndrome chat rooms?




  1. Autism Speaks...BOO! HISS! Funny how many people dislike them so much, isn't it?

    Er...a good chat site? There used to be Aspergia, but it's gone. Not sure if anything since that site comes up to snuff. Just search around. You will do fine.

  2. yes!!!!!!!!!! i do            go to         a site for those with aspergers. It is mainly forums but it has one chat room as well

  3. I don't, but it looks like someone else took care of it.  My sister both HAS aspergers and has worked in special ed with aspergers kids.  Last year she taught a classroom of nothing but aspergers... maybe a few high-functioning autistic.  She is a very friendly person and, as her very best friend, lol, I can tell you that if you ever would like to chat over email or the phone, she'd be happy to talk to you.  Let me know.

    My father has always been "out of step" but it wasn't until we kids grew up and got out more into the "real world" heh heh, that we realized just how different he was. Several years ago, my friend was talking to me about a condition her son has.  I thought I would look it up online, just to become more knowledgeable about a subject that was important to her.  She told me the name of it (Aspergers) and I looked it up.  To my amazement, I found myself reading the exact description of my father.  That was the beginning of a new era for my family.  My brother has a fairly severe case, perhaps bordering more on HF autism (he is married, although unhappily, for 25 yrs and has 5 kids), and 3 of my 4 sisters have it, to varying degrees.  All have husbands and children.  I know that I, too, am somewhat "out of step," but probably not to the degree of my sisters.  I DO care about my appearance, shower daily, and try to keep up with current fashion, heh heh.  I have always had an easier time of getting to know others and making friends.  But... here it comes... I ramble on and on when nobody gives a care, ha ha.  See, I'm doing it now.  :)

    Anyhow, if you would ever like to discuss anything, Asperger's wise, please feel free to email me.  Good luck.  ;)

  4. There is a discussion forum for Asperger's syndrome at

  5. I think it is really important that people be put in the know about Autism Speaks. there are plenty of articles out there speaking out against them, and by professional news media. Not just autistics.

    In this gem, for example, we read that Autism Speaks has legal issues with Lauren Thierry who produced the "Autism Every Day "video.,2933,2788...

    And February of this year, Autism Speaks threatened a 14-year-old autistic child with a lawsuit because she (legally) created a parody site of Autism Speaks due to her dislike of the site.

    Abscout is regarded as a hero in the autism world and Autism Speaks the big bully.

    I am not a big fan of WrongPlanet either, but they do have a chat. There you can meat 17,500 REAL autistics. Most of whom HATE Autism Speaks.


  7. no

  8. The one place I would NOT go is Autism Speaks. Autistics find them extremely offensive and are boycotting them. There is a petition out there against them:

    The reasons listed in the petition is only one of them. please spread the word about this petition to your friends.

    You might try WrongPlanet, although it is populated by a lot of AS wanna-bees and not only AS people.

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