
Does anyone know of any books for helping kids cope with stress?

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I need some suggestions on books or things you know of that would help a 10 yr old cope with stress. Its to a point where she breaks out in fever blisters and tension headaches. Anyone tried any tactics or read any books????




  1. I don't know of any books but here is something that might help a little. Every time she loses it and gets mad...have her meditate. I think it might work. Have her get in pretzel and have her say "ummmm I will be calm" for as long as it takes. I know this sounds weird but it might work. Also have her count to 10..that always works. Also if nothing works have her see a docter I bet there is all kinds of things a doctor could do. I hope this helped.


  2. its usuall in a girl this age to seem stressed they can be going through the hormonal changes a girl goes through, I've been through this twice with my two eldest daughters, they get tension headaches and normally a rash, tensions can be high with their friends at school all experiencing the same things and this can stress them out even though they are unsure of what is going on, take time out to talk to her to see what it is that's bothering her, and be patient, as far as I'm aware there is no book that will help on stress at this age just love patience and understanding, its just something we have to go through and as my mum told me i was exactly the same but it does pass

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