
Does anyone know of any cause for a grown man waking up in the middle of the night and urinating in all over ?

by  |  earlier

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Boyfriend wakes up and pisses ALOT in one corner and down the steps but does not remember anything. Is there a reason or medical reason for this? Also abusive in his sleep!




  1. Sounds like sleep walking to me, too.  However, if he is abusive in his sleep as sounds like he has some emotional issues he needs to see someone about and ASAP.

  2. Sleep walking. It's easy during sleep walking to mistake somewhere else for the bathroom.

    My brother does this a lot according to his girlfriend, especially when he's drunk.

    If he's abusive in his sleep, he could have a sleep disorder that needs to be treated. You should take him to see his doctor.

  3. sleep walking

    There was once a guy who raped someone while sleepwalking, if your bf is a bad sleepwalker go see a doctor they can sort it out with sleep therapy.

  4. after drinking this is normal.

    sleep walking maybe, but u might want to see a psychologist.

  5. He's not getting enough rest and he's sleepwalking.  I've done this a few times.  Speak to him (don't touch him!) to wake him up the next time he does this.  My wife wakes me and it hasn't killed me yet.

  6. Take him to the doctor. they should be able to help with that

  7. Does he do drugs?

    I did some coke once and got up and pissed all over the counter in the kitchen.

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