Hey everyone. I've done a lot of research, but frankly, I just can't seem to find a straight enough answer, so I thought I would just go ahead and ask it here. I am going into college soon for the first time, and am really interested in the fields of psychology/sociology, philosophy, journalism, creative writing, and cinematography. I know, it's not like I can get all of those bundled up into one bachelor's degrees, just know that those are my interests, starting from biggest to smallest interest. Anywho, I am wanting to go to a liberal arts college, but I do not know which ones support those majors and which ones are good. I have also heard that the Ivy League schools do not offer a real education or something along those lines.
But I digress. Back to the original question, does anyone know of any schools that are exceptional in those areas? It can be a liberal arts college, an Ivy League, h**l even a state's college. Also, I would like to know if Yale, Cornell, or Columbia are good schools for those majors. I just really need to know, and any help is appreciated. Thanks for your time.