
Does anyone know of any companys that help people that are behind on mort. to refinance to 30yr fixed rate?

by  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of any companys that help people that are behind on mort. to refinance to 30yr fixed rate?




  1. My aunt used a loss mitigation company to "redo" the terms of the loan at an interest only payment at 3.5% for 4 years.  The company did some arm twisting with the bank to get them to accept these terms to avoid a foreclosure.  She went through the free evaluation form at and a rep called within 24 hours.  Best of luck whatever you decide.

  2. Certainly do not respond to any spam from here.    This place has MANY people willing to help you, help you out of everything you own.     Ignore the con men.

    Ask your real estate agent or someone you personally know, to recommend a good loan agent.    The "I am a loan agents" from here (this board) are highly unlikely to be legit.

    Deal with someone live an in person.    You are seen to the scum bags as a very vulnerable victim and you need to be careful about keeping your ID and personal data away from thm.

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