
Does anyone know of any gas saving devices that really work ?

by  |  earlier

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Today's technology is certainly capable of developing gas saving devices that could virgually double the gas mileage of today's vehicles except that as soon as they do, the oil companies and all related money mongers see to it that it's taken off the market. Why isn't someone working on this instead of planting corn for gasoline that might get a few cents cheaper?? There's a desperate need to squeeze twice (or more) mileage out of every gallon of gasoline !! It's out there, but where?




  1. Search and look.  There are things out there as you say.  Unfortunately you are also correct on the corporate world hiding things.  But if you look carefully you'll find some things are around.  

    The real hassle is finding and then obtaining and marketing it.

  2. Yeah, the best one is the one fitted to all cars - the one behind the steering wheel.

    My car is ridiculously fast, and if I drive it sensibly, it's cheap to run. But if I drive it the way it likes to be driven, it.......well, I don't like to think about it........

  3. Have a thermostat in your hallway and a thermostatic valve on all your upstairs radiators. Put the "stat " on your gas boiler about 25 degrees Celsius.

    Whoops!!! you are talking about petrol!!!

  4. Checkout 'UNITEDWORLDCARE' on UTube. + there's loads of other links. Of course it can be done. Claims of increasing fuel efficiency to between 30 & 50% by installing (or getting one installed) by using a fuel /water combination . Also checkout ..........(on UTube)



  5. If there was then the auto manufacturers would use them to sell cars. The only thing guaranteed to save gas is BEANO.

  6. Hybrid cars are a gas saving device that work.  So are bicycles, metros, buses, and feet.  

    There are technologies that can increase gas mileage in cars right now, but it's cheaper to not use them.

  7. no none of these device work . good maintance such as recomended spark plugs would give u better mileeage the those double platinum plugs cause the car work better at the orginal recomendation.

    here are tips on saving gas

         1 keep proper pressure in ur tires

         2 good maintnance  and tune up

         3   the thinner the oil the better to move up inside the crank

         4  reduce all the extra weight and stuff that u don't need

         5  gas cap would vapor if the rubber that is on the cap is

             bad ( it's recomended every year to change it )

        6   don't floor it on the stop sign , keep the car rolling and

           think wisely and always take shortcut but avoid stop and

          go for example if going home u can go straight or make

         a left turn , do so at whatever the one is green , the slower

           the speed u drive the higher milleage u'll get , but let's

           say ur going to work and u have 2 option either highway  

           or city , and the highway equal teh same distance as city.

           then drive the highway cause it's not a stop and go.

           the car would give u more mileeage when it's between

            55mph to 62 mph . don't keep it idle for too long .


                    the higher the vehicle the less milleage

                    would get cause of the height and the

                    wind pushing it back  .. and the more

                    winds the less mileeage u get , and same

                   as more cold , less mileeage  too hot is also

                    less milleage .55 is the best temp ......


          7     don't put ur wife in teh car with you and loose some



          8     is the bviggest mistake peoples do .

                  when tarveling they would just open the windows

                down thinking it's better then turning the ac on .

                but too bad when u open ur windows the air would fill  

                up in the car and produce drag , that mean the car

                would need more energy to go .it's better when they

                are shut ....also turning on the heat would drop the    

                milleage .so keep it off as possible,and turn it on at

                stop light .

               9 as a traveler don't install cargo roof on ur car

                i's just a drag and don't drive a lot when it's windy .


              10 vote for me  hahah  that's enough truth details...

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