
Does anyone know of any good headache doctors in the Chicagoland area?

by Guest55776  |  earlier

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Does anyone know of any good headache doctors in the Chicagoland area?




  1. BEFORE you go to a doctor ... you might consider the below information... most doctors will not tell you any of this.

    Long but worth the reading.

    Make the connection....This is the best headache and Migraine info.

    Being a nurse with over 25 years experience, I have seen a lot of patients with various disorders and I have learned ....

    Many headaches are caused from common everyday chemicals and fragranced products as well as VOC's in homes, schools and workplace.

    This is a growing problem for many people and most are not even aware that it exists as more and more chemicals are being introduced and used on a daily basis.

    Many people believe that because a product smells good or cleans well and it is on a store shelf that it is tested, approved and safe for use.

    Think again !

    We are now seeing more and more children and adults with skin disorders, nausea, dizziness, nausea, Chronic Headaches, Sinusitis, Migraines, Asthma, Allergies, Hives, Chronic Hives, Eczema, sinus / respiratory illnesses and Hormone related disorders.

    I can not emphasize how important it is to educate yourself about the harm you may be doing to your health by using chemicals and fragranced products.

    If you or a loved one has symptoms of or suffers from chronic headaches, reproductive problems, Migraines, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Lupus or Fibromyalgia, you need to read further and learn about the signs and symptoms of MCS - Multiple Chemical Sensitivity.

    Most doctors will not inform you about this because patients as a whole like to walk out of a doctors office with a prescription for some magical medicine and they do not want to be told that their expensive new perfume or newly installed carpet may be the culprit. So, the doctor will give you medications and many of these meds either do not work or cause other health problems.

    Chemicals and fragranced products are often the root of many disorders and illnesses when it comes to your health. Many of the below mentioned items are common triggers to sinus, asthma, itching, headaches, Migraines and allergy problems amongst other health issues. Get rid of them and your immune and respiratory system will thank you and you will breathe easier.

    And, it is not only personal body or cleaning products causing havoc on your health….many people become ill after wearing brand new clothing, dry-cleaned clothes, installing new carpet, painting, buying a new mattress or after home renovations because of the Flame Retardants, Antimony, Benzenes, Formaldehydes, etc. used in these products. So the answer is NO, you are not imagining that 2 weeks after your home, office or classroom got renovated you started to become ill, get dizzy or have headaches. This is happening more and more these days and adults as well as children are becoming sicker and sicker.

    Unfortunately, too many doctors compound the problem by prescribing chemical medications to try to alleviate the symptoms of an already chemical overloaded body and they rarely tell the patient to eliminate the chemical offenders. How many times have I seen people in the grocery store with Bounce, Glade Plug-Ins and Febreeze in their shopping cart along with a bottle of Benadryl , Migraine Excedrin and a box of Allergy Tablets ? Why don't they make the connection?

    Keep in mind that your skin is the largest organ of your body and what you put on your skin gets absorbed into your body. Then ... well... then it has to be filtered by your organs which are already working real hard.

    BIG NO-NO's ---- I would SERIOUSLY recommend removing all of the below from your living / working area.

    No Bounce or dryer sheets - these are VERY toxic

    No Febreeze - your pets will even thank you for this

    No Glade Plug-ins - VERY toxic

    No Scented candles

    No Scented Dish Detergents

    No Fragranced Products on Body, Hair or Clothing

    No Smoke

    No Newspapers and Magazines - The ink is a huge irritant.

    No Dander

    No Sprays

    No Sharpies (marker pens)

    New Cartpeting, mattresses, paint, contain toxins that can trigger severe respiratory disorders as well as headaches and Asthma flare-ups.

    And remember, it is NOT the smell it is the Chemicals that make up the smell. So, even if something is "Fragrance Free" these products often mask the smell with another chemical ! There are plenty of safe healthy products out there that work well and do not have added chemical fragrances.

    More and more workplaces & schools are implementing Fragrance Free policies and creating "Fragrance Free Zones"… why do you think this is? Make the connection, your lungs , immune system and your general health will thank you.

  2. does have a list of patient-recommended headache specialists at:

    Keep in mind that these were recommended by users of that site and are not an "offficial" list of any sort.

    You may also want to contact American Medical Association at (800) 621-8335 x5 for physician referral information.  I'd usually recommend the doctor locator on their website ( but most clinics and doctors seem to be listed under "neurology," which creates a list too long to be displayed for Illinois or Chicago.  Thus, contacting them directly may be the better option.

    Finally, check your local library, as well.  They may have directories such as "America's Top Doctors.  The national edition (2007) lists two Illinois names specializing in "Headache:"

    Harden, R. Norman

    1030 N. Clark St. Suite 320

    Chicago, IL  60610


    Robbins, Lawrence D.

    1535 Lake-Cook Rd., Suite 506

    Northbrook, IL  60062


    If these doctors aren't convenient to you, you may want to contact them anyway--they may also be able to make other recommendations.

    The 2002 regional edition (Top Doctors:  Chicago Metro Area) lists about a dozen names, although it probably isn't quite as current.

    Again, these listings are the editorial opinions of the publishers, so make sure to check your contacts carefully!

    Hope this is helpful.

    --Bill Pardue

    Arlington Heights Memorial Library

    Librarians--Ask Us, We Answer!

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  3. One place you could check is at Northwestern University School of Medicine but I also have the link to a site that could help you find someone in your area.  Please e-mail me off site with the subject line: "Physician Referral link" so that I will know what this is in regards to.

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