
Does anyone know of any good skiing or snowboarding jokes?

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Does anyone know of any good skiing or snowboarding jokes?




  1. whats up with everyone knockin snowboarders...  

    so three guys were camping in a tent.. guy on the left wakes up in the morning and goes "wow i had this dream i got the best handjob of my life last night!"  the guy on the right goes "really, i dreamed i had the best handjob also!"  dude in the middle goes "thats weird i had this dream i was skiing!"  

    knee slapper, i know

  2. What do snowboarders use for birth control?

    Their personalities!

  3. The only thing skiers are good for is when they sit in between two snowboarders on a chairlift... :)

  4. What do you call a snow boarder who just broke up with their girlfriend?



  6. How many snowboarders does it take to spin off a jump?


    One to spin, one to film it and one to say:

    "That's sick dude!"

  7. Yea - the guys at work like to make fun of me because I ride - they are always asking me if my knucles only drag on the ground when I'm on the snow.

    Here is the best one I have ever heard:

    There are four guys driving into town from the resort after some of them were snowboarding all day long - who was driving? The police officer!

    Good Luck

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