
Does anyone know of any good vitamins to give to a 1 1/2 year old?

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my daughter is 18 months old and she's not much of a big eater, very picky actually, I'm afraid shes not getting all of the nutritional requirements she should be getting, but she does drink a lot of milk , I would say about 36 ounces a day so I'm not worried about vitamin d or iron but what about everything else??..P.S- her pediatrician isn't the greatest so he's not much of a help, she had a great pediatrician at one point but then we moved and now were stuck with her new one for now until I find another one, but I would appreciate any answers...thanks!!




  1. go ask the doctor for a prescription for POLY-VI-FLOR, u can only get it in prescription, and it comes in drops for infants, and chewables for your daughter.  they must taste good, my neighbor is 2 and loves them.

    try to stay away from the gummies!

    if you're not happy with your doctor, find another one, ask around town for recomendations!

    good luck!


    btw im 21 and took prescriptions Poly-Vi-Flor from a few months of age until i was 14 or 15, then i switched to regular vitamins, and im RARELY sick, 1 cold a year, and a fever like once every 3 years!

  2. gummy vitamins, if she doesnt have all her teeth, they do sell liquid drops for infants as well. They are in the vitamin isle in any store good luck

  3. You need to be EXTREMELY careful about giving young children vitamins. Especially any that contain iron. many vitamins that an adult has no problem with can actually be toxic to children. Iron is a very common one. small amounts of Iron can harm young children. If you yourself took to much iron it could kill you. It would take quite a bit to harm an adult yet a smaller amount for a child. Every child is different so even childrens vitamins may be risky for young children. Here is a link.

    Yahoo answers is not the best place for this question. Find a better pediatrician and ask them instead.

  4. My daughter used to love the gummy bear vitamins.  You should be able to find them with the other vitamins at your local grocery or pharmacy.  Just be sure you only give her one per day as certain vitamins can be bad in too large a quantity.

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