
Does anyone know of any haunted house's / mansions that are standing empty and where I could get a vigil up

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and running in the future.




  1. No-ones dares go in the toilet in this house during Christmas, after my dad's dropped a brick. Thats scary!

  2. There are a lot of places, for example:

    *Brookfield mansion (United Kingdom)

    *Woodchester mansion (UK)

    Some castles such as:

    *Buckingham Palace (UK)

    *Castelluccia Castle (Italy)

    among others, but that castles and mansions are the most important and many of them, are the most visited by the tourists.


  3. The Hunting lodge by the Sportsmans Arms on Denbigh Moors in North Wales. If the place is still standing (it collapses a bit more every year) you could do something up there. Go in summer though, the roof has gone.

  4. It would help if you told us what part of the country you're in.

  5. Why does it have to be empty?

    Dont ghosts do building where people live or work?

    If they wanted an empty house dont you think that is because they dont want to be disturbed by the living and are trying to get some peace and quiet without you and your mate Derek Anorach pestering them all the time.

    Or does it have to empty and dark so you can pretend to be scared?

  6. Marston moores in Yorkshire.Get a tent and camp out,it' s something I'd like to do.It was the bloodiest battle in Britain and there's heaps of ghosts there.

  7. Well i read a book on Haunted Houses but this one is easy but it's never really empty especially. The White House is haunted everyone believes it.  I read this in the book: Once there was a gardner going to water all the flowers in the White House. When the man turned around he saw Abraham Lincoln sitting in one of the chairs. When the man turned around and turned back around the see the seat Abraham Lincoln was gone.

  8. I wouldn't recommend it, but you could trespass in an abandoned building.

  9. The White House will be empty over Xmas - has a few ghosts there i bet

  10. Why would you want to do something that you have no control over and are not properly trained to do?

  11. Harry if you ever get the chance to go to Annesley Hall ? you wont regret it. We have been twice on a Richard Felix night, truly amazing experience. I think there is  group that  organises events there as well.

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