
Does anyone know of any large corporations that would donate to a really good cause?

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i'm doing relay for life with my friends this year and we want to do all we can to raise money. the money goes to the American Cancer Society to fund research for finding a cure. We've donated ourselves, and asked family, friends, neighbors etc. However we were hoping to get companies to donate because its a really great cause and large donations would make an amazing difference. Thanks




  1. Companies are overwhelmed with these request -- sponsor me in this run, donate to this cause, send me to a developing country, etc. So they pretty much say no and, instead, have a giving program with specific criteria and focused on nonprofit organizations providing a specific service.

    So, instead, you need to talk to your families, and encourage your families to talk to their own employers, big and small. You need to concentrate on local businesses that are own locally, ones that you have a personal relationship with (you shop there regularly, for instance), but don't expect large donations.

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