
Does anyone know of any legitimate work at home positions? Thanks.?

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Does anyone know of any legitimate work at home positions? Thanks.?




  1. Yes, there are many works at home jobs. Many are genuine also. It is not necessary that whosoever asks for money is a scam. Some ask for money for the site maintenance and some ask money to check the genuineness of the candidate, if he is really interested in the job. Some ask money for premium services and their basic services are free. Nevertheless, visit the source link to know in detail.

  2. Yes try professional, up to date work from home, worldwide leader in the work from home market for the past 9 years

  3. You can apply for freelance writing, bookkeeping, software, transcription, online tuition or customer service work at home jobs. These companies do not require any fee and pay well . List of companies(with websites) offering genuine work at home jobs is available at . Many of these companies have been in business for several years

  4. I had a job I hated, and debts piled so deep I thought I'd drown. Actually, I was drowning and I saw no way out.

    Well, that's not quite right. I saw a way out—making money on the Internet—but I made two dumb assumptions that kept me in my job prison for far too long...

    Making Money Online Isn't Hard...Or Slow. I assumed it was both, and you might too.

    Some people have tried and never made a dime, or maybe made just enough to buy a cup of coffee at Starbuck's. So they assume it's all a scam (it's not, as you'll see).

    Some people are afraid to try, because they don't know much about computers, or they think you have to be some kind of super-technical genius (you don't).

    Whatever the reason, most people either don't even try, or they try and give up. That keeps them stuck in the rat race for the rest of their natural lives.

    I escaped. Now I'm making way more money on the Internet than I ever made from my desk job.

    If you are a newbie (like I was) or an internet guru, this will help you to quit our day job and REALLY be successful.

  5. I do!!  I am a stay at home mom and I have my own business with Thirty-One gifts.  It is a faith based company headquartered in Chattanooga, TN.  Thirty-One offers stylish, affordable products such as handbags, totes, lunch totes, etc.  Best of all the monogramming is FREE!  

    It is only a 5 year old company but grew over 500% last year and is really taking off.  The products are easy to sell because not everyone has heard of it and you get to be the first one to introduce them!

    Right now you can join for only $99!  And you personalize your kit to fit you.

  6. One good resource for legitimate companies and jobs is which is a free site. If you go to the work at home directory area they have companies listed by type of work. You can check the legitimacy of a company at message board which has a wise work at home community.  Hope this helps you in your search!

  7. There is a site for Work at home data entry resources. Guides on identifying Work at home Job Scams and a lot more.

    Visit here:

    N.B: This site also have free access to its member's area now. Earlier it was charging for $49.


  8. hi. most of the work from home websites are scam i wasted a lot of money on them but finally i found this website. it  is a free site with lots of work from home opportunities and ideas. good luck.

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