
Does anyone know of any programs, schools, or camps for out of control children?

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My parents have been looking for a program for my eleven year old brother to attend. They are trying to get him back on the right track, before its to late. We live in Florida and they have found one which is through Eckerd camp? BUt, it costs around $40,000 dollars and that is to much.

Any suggestions?




  1. talk with your school's district office. most school districts have a special school for out of control kids. i work with a school and i know we have 3 of them for k-5, 6-8, and 9-12. i actually had to go to the high school one and it worked wonders on me i mainly had to go for cutting class though (who knew i hated school so much that i'd cut and now i work at an elementary school)

  2. Maybe a religious camp?

  3. I'd be really wary of and careful about that.  First off, many "boot-camp" style programs have been in the news because they were actually being abusive towards the kids.  Second, if I had an out-of-control child, I can't imagine that the best thing to do would be to put him together with a bunch of other out-of-control kids.  I'd much rather have him with kids that would serve as better role models.

    If it were me, I'd start with the pediatrician to see if there were medical causes for being so out-of-control, and if not, I'd talk to a family counselor about finding a way to get through to him.

  4. Don't. Those camps are not mentored buy the state or any government, they are poorly kept up, and they push the kids WAY to hard.  More kids have gotten hurt and killed in those camps. If he is really that out of control, call up relatives that live maybe on a farm, or that run a really stick house hold. Send him there. He will be away from all the bad influences, in a new place where he will behave or else. If not such family member exist then try family counseling. He may be acting out for reasons other then "hes a teen". Either way PLEASE don't send him to any type of camp.

  5. Theres the Sheriffs boys ranch in florida. There's also a place in Chipley Florida that's for bad boys.

  6. they all cost that price and up-----i wish you the best of luck

    go on the show maury! lol or go to or org

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