
Does anyone know of any research on the downstream pollution effects of discarded batteries in Hybrid cars?

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I'm looking into buying a Hybrid for my next car, but I'm not sure there's been enough thought given to the waste generated by the batteries. Can old batteries be safely recycled?




  1. At one point I head the NIMPH(Nikel metal hydrade) batteries  can be taken apart and used for other thing after thier use is up. Im sure like computer you buy at dell there is an extra fee intailed so that when the car leaves this world , that the parts will be reused or disposed of properly in some way.

  2. Toyota have a full recycling policy for all their new cars, including the NiCads.

    the Infernal combustion engine part is harder to recycle because it contains lots of composite materials, and petrochemical contaminants.

    Ideally we should have pure electric with Li-ion batteries, those in the Phoenix SUT,, have a predicted 20 year life.

  3. Hybrids are an intermediate step during the change from fossil fuel to a benign alternative.  Batteries have been recycled for years.  As priority of environmental issues go, batteries wouldn't be on the top of my list.  

    The $$$ premium on hybrids due to their popularity and government c**k ups which advantage one maker over the other are higher priorities in my book


  4. Please check out this site.

  5. Until there are more than 2 hybrid cars in the US, it's not really an issue

  6. I'd say they haven't been around long enough to tell. But think about this: If a regular battery isn't disposed of or recycled properly, and that's bad for the Earth...what will a bunch of very large batteries do when they finally give out?

  7. No.

  8. They've been doing it for YEARS with standard lead acid batteries. Why not?

  9. Whats wrong with your current car?? How much CO2 do you think it takes to manufacture a new car, then ship it half way round the world!!! Most hybrids only save around 1 tonne of CO2 per year and that's simply not enough to offset the building of the new car. Plus, what will happen to your old car? Some one else will drive it and still pump out the same level of CO2!! So you not saving the planet by buying a hybrid, your just kidding yourself!!

  10. waste from batteries?

    if you are concerned about it, you'll probably be dumping your old batteries off to be recycled right?

  11. Well I'm sure that this Hybrid car makers have thought this out allready.

    What's really ironic about this hybrid car commercials is that they tell you how the car helps reduce gas emissions into the atmostphear, yet at the same time they show this hybrid 4x4 running across a stream or kicking up dirt and grass in some nice looking landscape.

    Yea right, less emissions...but they still destroy the environment by directly going to nature and running over it.

    What are these car makers thinking of...Hmmmm I got it...Lets destroy the planet without you knowing it....yea...thats the ticket.

  12. Toyota has a full recycling program.  I believe a dealer gets around $200 incentive/reward for each battery they turn in.  I truley doubt anyone would just toss them with that kind of cash offer.

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