
Does anyone know of any serious side effects of Zanex?

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How bad, actually, is getting barred out? Any bad side effects?




  1. Very bad.  It is very addictive. It's very dangerous to take with heightens effects of alcohol & can be fatal.

    Buying Xanax online an be very dangerous because it can be mixed with an antipsychotic med. Haldol which has very severe side effects.

    Side effects of Xanax are:

    unusual risk-taking behavior, decreased inhibitions, no fear of danger;

    depressed mood, thoughts of suicide or hurting yourself;

    hyperactivity, agitation, hostility, hallucinations;

    feeling light-headed, fainting;

    seizure (convulsions);

    urinating less than usual or not at all;

    muscle twitching, tremor; or

    jaundice (yellowing of the skin or eyes).

    Less serious side effects are more likely to occur, such as:

    drowsiness, dizziness, feeling irritable;

    amnesia or forgetfulness, trouble concentrating;

    sleep problems (insomnia);

    muscle weakness, lack of balance or coordination, slurred speech;

    blurred vision;

    nausea, vomiting, constipation, appetite or weight changes;

    dry or watery mouth, increased sweating; or

    loss of interest in s*x.

    It can be fatal if mixed with other meds, alcohol, or if more is taken than prescribed.

  2. Very bad!!!!! You cannot remember anything for about 18-24 hrs,(sometimes longer depending on if you do any other drugs or drink alcohol with them), but you can walk and talk and appear fine.A friend of mine did it and has no recollection of getting arrested until he found the receipt for his belongings from the police station the next day. As far as side effects you will be very tired for a few days and basically out of it. Not to mention DEATH is always a possible side effect.All benzodiazapines (xanax ,clonopin , ativan) ARE EXTREMELY ADDICTIVE .You shouldn't start taking them if you don't need them for a ligitimate condition. They aren't very fun- unless walking around the next day asking your friends what you did and hoping you didn't embarrass yourself or kill someone sounds like a good time.

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