
Does anyone know of any sites that train you to become a better cashier?

by Guest67089  |  earlier

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I just got a job at McDonalds and I'm Cashier at the front desk and Drive-Through. I'm good at taking the money but I'm not good at ringing up the orders. I was wondering if there are sites that allow you to practice as if you were serving an actual customer. Post ones you know




  1. Honey, it's not brain surgery.  If you can't get it down on your own... you shouldn't be at that job.

  2. no there arent any

  3. lol.... great expectations...



    that's a game..

    maybe this? :

  5. After a little bit of practice, you'll be a natural. When you first start something, it always seems so hard, not matter how much you're told or how much you have learned. It takes time to get more comfortable, and when that time comes, it's a breeze. When I worked at Starbucks, it took me a long time to learn how to process the orders into the registers, not to mention, everyone enjoyed their drink differently! Your manager may allow you, if you have a slow time throughout your shift, to process pretend orders, you could have them place orders. Ask him/her about this.  

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