
Does anyone know of any support groups or hot line help?

by Guest62005  |  earlier

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I have been trying to have another baby for 4 years...went thought the ringer..etc. fert. dr. etc. the next step was invetro which I did not want to do...can anyone give me a help line number or support group to help me get over the fact that I can not get pregnant...?? I have already given up hope and tried to except the fact that it will never happen but it would be nice to talk to someone that understands too




  1. you can also try a wonderful support group, there are women trying to conceive, but also some who have stopped trying and receive support from their peers there, there are also fertility specialists there who answer questions for free in case you need to clarify anything.

    best of luck to you!!

  2. 'Resolve' is a terrific organization. They're a wonderful source of information. They have support groups in many areas, and are *extremely* helpful. I strongly suggest you get in touch with them. Sorry for your pain - good luck, hon.

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