
Does anyone know of anything that can be taken over the counter for depression?

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I think that I may be a little midly depressed... I go through mood swings and I am a little worried about it. I don't have insurance so I cannot go to the doctor for this. I was wondering if anyone knew of anything over the counter than may help!




  1. The best advice anyone could give you to answer this question, is to TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR FIRST. TELL HIM/HER YOU ARE FEELING DEPRESSED. THEY WILL KNOW FOR SURE WHAT YOU NEED/SHOULD TAKE!!!!!!!!

    P.S. They're the doctor's so they know better then WE do!

  2. St John's Wort I think that is how it is spelled.  look in the organic isle.  it does help good luck

  3. this may sound silly, FISH OIL

    when you begin taking fish oil you will notice your mental abilities are enhanced and that your emotional state is on a more even keel. taking doses of fish oil increases 2 neurotransmitters(dopamine and serotonin)

    dopamine spurs you into action allowing enhanced concentration on the task at hand and organize yourself more efficiently.  

    serotonin is your morality or "feel good" hormone that gives you a sense of well being and allows you to handle stress more easily.

    with in 7 to 14 days after starting fish oil you can expect thinking more clearly with a greater sense of concentration. in addition, your ability to handle stress will greatly increase. Finally you will see improvement of your physical capacity for exercise, especially in terms of greater endurance, due to better blood flow.

    most important you are keeping yourself in a zone of wellness which can help you have a longer and better life

    (the role of fish oil in the body and mind had been widely studied. the body of knowledge consists of thousands of scientific studies)

    these are just a few benefits of fish oil...

    i use an organic all natural fish oil --- any name brand fish oil its legit to the label, its been around for a long time. i would use an a total EFA with omega 3-6-9 one month is less than $20.00 at any health store.

  4. Sunshine and a good quality vitamin.  I recommend All-One.

    Also a book to help with depression is Feelings Buried Alive Never Die, by Karol K. Truman.  I'm absolutely against prescription drugs for depression especially mild depression.  

  5. St. John's wart is a good one, BUT you are not supposed to take it if you are taking birth control.  

  6. The herb St Johns Wart. Perhaps a little Ginseng or Ginko Biloba as well.  

  7. The best anti-depressent is activity.  It releases the natural endorphins in the central nervous system.  Also direct exposure to sunlight will do the same.  I don't know your age or recreational acitivities, but a 15 minute walk will do.  Also, limit computer/video time-those acitivities add to anxiety disorders.  Get enough sleep and eat well.  Good luck.

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